
Last Updated onJuly 22, 2023

Slideshow is a dynamic and visually engaging section on a website that displays a series of images or slides. It can be used on the homepage or other prominent sections of the website to showcase products, promotions, brand images, or any other content the merchant wants to highlight.

To add the Slideshow,

  1. Go to Online Store > Themes and click Customize in your Shopify admin
  2. Then click Add section under Templates area. Now you can choose Slideshow from the list.

You can find the following settings inside the Slideshow,

General settingsDescription
Enable fullwidthIt will allow this section to occupy full width of the viewport if needed.
WidthIt will allow you to set custom width for this section. Only applicable, if fullwidth is disabled.
Color schemeChoose from any of predefined color scheme to display your section better.
Use inner paddingIt will add the space around the section.
Height It will define the height of the slideshow
Slider settingsDescription
Enable autoplaySet to move carousel automatically
Autoplay intervalSet the interval for autoplay
Enable loopSet to display the first carousel element after last for loop
Enable mouse dragIt will allow you to drag each carousel element to move next/prev
Show navigation arrowsSet to show arrows on right & left sides
Show pagination dotsSet to display dots at the bottom of the section
Transition speedSpeed of switching between elements.


Slideshow can have multiple Slide blocks. Each block can have their own headings, description & buttons.

You can find the following settings inside the each Slide block,

General settingsDescription
Background ImageSet the background image for the slide
Additional Background ImageIt will display another background image on the right side. next to the actual background image (Optional)
Background for mobileIt will display this image over the actual image in mobile.
OverlayIt will display solid color over the background image.
Heading It will display heading for the slide
Heading tagSet the tag your preferred, it may be heading, paragraph or special tag
Custom width
SubheadingIt will display additional heading for the slide
Subheading tagSet the tag your preferred, it may be heading, paragraph or special tag
Custom width
DescriptionIt will display description text for the slide
Description tagSet the tag your preferred, it may be heading, paragraph or special tag
Custom width
Button 1 labelIt will display the button to slide
Button 1 URLSet the url for the button
Button 1 targetSet the link to open in new tab or same tab.
Button 2 labelIt will display the additional button to slide
Button 2 URLSet the url for the button
Button 2 targetSet the link to open in new tab or same tab.

You can find more information for mega menu here