Creating custom templates

Last Updated onJuly 23, 2023

Our themes come with a default page template and a variety of predefined page templates to help you get started quickly. When you don’t specify an alternate template, resources automatically use the default template.

Any changes you make to a template will affect all pages using that template. If you want to display certain pages differently, you can create a new template based on an existing one in your theme.

Creating new template

You can find pre-defined page templates called “About us”, “Campaigns” to display few pages differently To create new page template, you can follow below steps,

  1. Go to Customizer and click the top dropdown and choose Pages
  2. Now you can click Create template at the bottom.
  3. Then you can add sections & blocks based on your needs for this template.
  4. Save the created template.

Assigning the template

Once you’ve created the page templates successfully, you can go to Pages in Shopify admin to assign those template. you can follow below steps,

  1. Go to Online stores -> Pages
  2. Now click add page button at the top right or click on existing page
  3. Inside the page, you can find Theme template dropdown under right side Online store area.
  4. Click the dropdown and choose the template you’ve created recently.

Similarly, you can create & assign templates for Products, Collections, Blogs, Blog Posts