Predictive Search

Last Updated onJuly 22, 2023

Predictive search is a feature which helps to display the instant/predictive search results that appears below the search form when you start typing in the search page or header search. You can control the search results from the following settings,

  1. Open the Theme settings in your Shopify admin
  2. Then open the tab Predict search in Theme settings.

You can find following settings under Predictive search tab.

Layout settingsDescription
Enable predictive searchIt will perform instant search when you start typing.
Out of stock productsThis margin value will be applied only for desktop screens.
Partial word matchSet the base spacing value for top and bottom of each sections. Range from 1 to 10.
Include collectionsIt will include results from collections along with products.
Include pagesIt will include results from pages along with products.
Include blog postsIt will include results from articles along with products.
Results limitSet the number of search results to be shown
Enable RecommendationIt show the products from the chosen collections by default (before displaying search results)
Recommendation choiceChoice of the collection to display.