Installing WordPress on Your Server

Last Updated onFebruary 20, 2022

WordPress is the CMS which manage the contents created on your site. Our theme helps to create contents inside WordPress effectively and efficiently with lots of additional features. So WordPress is essential part of any theme.

Here you can find official instructions for installing WordPress on your server step by step

Install WordPress on Self Managed Hosting

Prerequisite: Make sure that you’ve created database using MySQL already and have database name & user credentials ready.

Step 1: Download WordPress on your server

Here, you can find the instructions to install WordPress on self managed hosting/server providers such as DigitalOcean, Google’s VM, Amazon’s EC2, Azure’s VM

  1. Login to your instance through Terminal or Account’s Instance page.
  2. Go to your “www” root directory. usually its /var/www/ for both Apache & Nginx server.

So type below syntax to browse to your www directory,

cd /var/www/

(Optional) If you want to install WordPress on specific subfolder, you can create and browse to wordpress directory using below syntax,

sudo mkdir /var/www/wordpress
cd /var/www/wordpress

Now you need to download WordPress package by typing the below syntax and press enter

sudo wget

then extract wordpress tar file using below command,

sudo tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz

Now you can clean up the installation using below command, this is move files to correct directory and delete downloaded tar file.

mv wordpress/*  ./
rm -rf wordpress latest.tar.gz

Now you have downloaded and finish pre installation steps successfully .

Step 2: Install WordPress on your server

Once you’ve extracted tar file, you can go to your website to start installation. Here is to be replaced your actual domain name.

Now choose your desired language and proceed to next then fill all the details to finish installation. Once installation is done, you can visit the fresh WordPress website at and login to and file the details you provided in previous step.

Install WordPress on Managed Hosting

For cPanel Users:

  1. Login to your cPanel account directly through cPanel site or through your hosting account
  2. Go to “Software” tab and click Softaculous Apps Installer and click Install on WordPress
  3. Now you can find all the details and proceed installation.
  4. Once installation done, you can see the login details on the same page or your admin url (which you filled on point 3).