Menus playing important role for any proper websites. All created menus can be accessed from any blocks, pages as well. Here you can find step by step instructions to create simple & megamenu for your site.
Creating Simple Menu
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Appearance -> Menus.
- Under “Edit Menus” Tab, You can see Text field to enter Menu Name, if you haven’t created a menu already. Enter your desired menu name and click Create Menu. Skip point 3.
- If you’ve imported menus or demo contents earlier, you must see those menus by default. In this case, you can click “Create a new menu” right below to “Edit Menus” tab. Now you can Enter your desired menu name and click Create Menu.
- At this stage, you’ve created menu successfully. Now you need to add menu items to your menu.
- You can see all available options under “Add menu items” at left sidebar area.
- Choose “Custom Links” to add your own link or empty link(#). Otherwise click other options such as posts, pages, etc… And click Add to Menu
- Once you added all menu items, scroll to “Menu Settings” and tick your desired Display Location. It’s recommended to tick “Primary Menu”, if this is main or primary menu for your site.
- Now you can click Save Menu
Working with Agni Menu Options/Assigning Megamenu
Make sure that you’ve created simple menu already. Go to Appearance -> Menus and your desired menu before proceeding further.
- You can see all menu options under “Agni Menu Options” by clicking the particular menu item.
- Now you choose any of your existing blocks, to show it as megamenu for this menu item. if you haven’t created blocks earlier click here to see instructions to create blocks.
- You can also set other options based on your needs and click Save Menu