Import Demo Contents

Last Updated onJanuary 29, 2022

To make your site building process quick and simple, you can start with any of the pre-built demos or pages that you would like to use. Theme allows you to import all the demo content or specific parts. Here you can find the step by step instructions to import demo contents.

Prerequisite: You must have installed & activated Agni Importer & Exporter plugin before proceeding to import. You can find instructions to install & activate plugins here

Note: We recommend you to use the fresh WordPress Installation for importing demos, this import process will not remove or overwrite any of the existing content in your site.

Step 1: Navigate to Demo Import Page

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard and click Cartify -> Demo Import/Export menu from left side menu. Or you can directly go to this link Here is to be replaced your actual domain name.
  • Choose Import from the options.
  • You may notice warnings or tips at the top to proceed before start importing demos.
  • If you’re not seeing any notices, you’re all set to start importing.

Step 2: Proceed to Demo Import

Option 1: Importing All Contents

  • To import all contents, check/uncheck the boxes based on your needs and click Import All.
  • Now, it will take few minutes (5 – 30mins) based on your server & network capabilities to complete whole import process.

Option 2: Importing Specific Parts/Demo

  • To import specific contents, skip to bottom area by scrolling down and click Import by Choices.
  • Once demo contents are fetched from the server, you would be asked to choose the section you want to import from the 1st dropdown. for ex. Pages.
  • Now, you can choose all pages or specific page (demo) alone to import.
  • Make sure to check the box “Download all attached media.” to include all attachments which are relevant to the choice and Click Import.