Install Plugins

Last Updated onJanuary 29, 2022

Cartify comes with exclusive plugins which as much important as theme. So its necessary to install & activate all required plugins. Here you can find step by step instructions to install & activate plugins.

Prerequisite: Make sure that you’ve registered the theme Cartify before proceeding with next step. You can find instructions to register theme here

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and click Cartify -> Install Plugins menu from left side menu. Or you can directly go to this link Here is to be replaced your actual domain name.
  2. Click Install on the plugins which are you want to be installed. (kindly proceed one by one to reduce the load/request at the same time).
  3. Once the plugin installed ensure that there is no update available for the particular plugin and click Activate (Not seeing update icon next to Activate).
  4. If update is available, just click update icon and activate once update is done.

List of Required Plugins:

  • Agni Cartify
  • Agni Builder
  • WooCommerce
  • Kirki Customizer Framework

List of Optional Plugins:

  • Agni Importer & Exporter

You’re more welcome to deactivate optional plugins once their tasks are done.