Product Registration

Last Updated onJanuary 29, 2022

It’s mandatory to register the theme with the license key as known as purchase code to use any of the premium plugins, demo contents, patterns library or automatic update feature included with this theme. Here you can find step by step instructions to register your theme.

Step 1: Find license key/Purchase code

  1. Login to your Themeforest account using this link which you used to purchase Cartify.
  2. Go to Downloads Page and find the theme which you like to get license key. Cartify in this case.
  3. Click Download button, Now you can see dropdown with 4 options. you can find license key under 3rd & 4th options which are License certificate & purchase code (PDF) & License certificate & purchase code (text). Choose your convenient choice.
  4. Open the license file you downloaded and find the license key Item Purchase Code

Step 2: Proceed to Theme/Product Registration

Prerequisite: Make sure that you’ve installed and activated the theme Cartify at your WordPress Dashboard before proceeding with next step. You can find instructions to install & activate theme here

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and click Cartify -> Product Registration menu from left side menu. Or you can directly go to this link Here is to be replaced your actual domain name.
  2. Enter the license key/purchase code inside Envato Purchase Code field.
  3. Fill the optional fields, if you wish
  4. Don’t forget to check the field “This is staging/local site”, if you’re using this license for staging, local development.
  5. Click Register this site button. That’s it.

Note: You’re allowed to use one staging license & one live license using each license key for your convenient. Multiple staging or live registration are not allowed. You need to buy new license for every new site.